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Cracking Open Sustainability: The Story of Poultry Cartons

Chandigarh, Chandigarh


CLASSIC EGG CARTONS Before the use of biodegradable materials, more popular egg cartons were made from plastic and Styrofoam since they were more hard wearing and offered protection. But these materials, at the same time, present a number of serious environmental issues. Plastic items and Styrofoam products are particularly disastrous since they are not biodegradable and take hundreds of years to break down. Their production process is capital or rather has a raw material heavy process involving the use of non-renewable resources like petroleum among others. In addition, these products are some of the major sources of marine pollution and dangerous to life and marine habitats.

Cracking Open Sustainability: The Story of Poultry Cartons

Chandigarh, Chandigarh
2 months ago
ritik poultry
ritik poultry
Member since 2+ months
Last online 2 months ago
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